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  • Separate Your Business and Personal Credit Once and For All
  • Build a Strong Business Credit Profile that will Never Be Denied
  • Obtain Up to $150K in Cash Lines of Credit Without a Personal Guarantee
  • Best of All, Have the Peace of Mind Knowing Our Experts Will Be Available to Answer Any of Your Questions.

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Learn the Cold Hard Facts About Building Business Credit & Exactly What it Can Do For Your Business

If you’ve been trying to borrow money to grow or start-up a new business and have been met with rejection due to poor personal credit you’re in the right place. Our goal with this special report is to…

#1 – Discuss the foundation for building business credit so you can get up to $150k without a personal guarantee

#2 – Share industry secrets no other individual (or company) is willing to give away for FREE

#3 – Give you options and resources so you can get the Money your business needs

Get Business Credit for Your Company

Tens of Thousands of Companies have done over the past decade and are obtaining the following right now…Without any Personal Guarantee!

Company Credit Cards
Vendor lines of Credit
Computer Leases
Vehicle Leases (No Social!)
Business Equipment and Supplies
Store Cards (Home Depot, Nordstrom’s, Etc…)
Lower Interest
Company SBA & Bank Loans
Commercial & Private Property
Business Lines of Credit up to $150K CASH

Does This Work?


Did you know that your business has a credit score?

Did you know that the business credit score can be used in place of your personal credit score when applying for different types of financing?

Did you know that you can use your business’ tax id (EIN) instead of using your social security number on applications for credit?

This is great news if there have been challenges affecting your personal credit scores. However, don’t get too excited and rush out to apply for lines of credit using your EIN.  Building a business credit score requires time and payment history just like your personal credit.  If you’ve never obtained financing for your business you’re starting from the ground floor and it will take some time to be able to start applying for any cash lines of credit with your EIN.

How Is This Possible?

Let’s start with a little background on business credit and some of the terminology used in the industry.

Business credit is not a magic cure-all and it’s definitely not a speedy process.

Done properly, you can be sitting pretty in 6 to 9 months with up to $150K in business credit accounts that can give you quick access to cash.

One of the most important business credit scores is called a “Paydex” score, issued by Dunn & Bradstreet (DNB). DNB is one of the most widely used business credit bureaus, similar to Experian for your personal credit score.

Fact Most People Won’t Share

Dunn & Bradstreet offers a program to rapidly build your Paydex score to 80 (equivalent of 680 FICO) but what EVEN THEY won’t tell you is an 80 Paydex alone won’t be enough to get approved for cash lines of credit.

The secret lies in the DNB Recommended Creditor Amount which will determine whether or not you get approved for a $100 Staples card or a $20,000 Visa/Mastercard.

Business Credit Industry

If you search online for business credit you’ll come across tons of information, e-books for sale and companies offering their service to help build your business credit scores and help obtain funding for your business.  The funny thing is, what worked a few years ago doesn’t work anymore. The business credit markets have completely changed in the last two years and unless you have qualified people staying in tune with those markets, your business will go nowhere, and your hard earned money will go right into their pockets.
I see SO much ignorance in our industry with other “services” selling the magic, yet useless “80 Paydex” with no regard to ratings, Recommended Creditor Amounts, or anything else that really matters.

A low end creditor like an office supply store “might” give you $750 with that, but not much else and definitely no “cash” credit that shows the business is ready to stand on its own.

The reality of real corporate credit is a DNB or Experian report not that says a “Paydex or Intelliscore” (Trust me that means little to nothing in reality), but rather specifically a DNB report (on the creditor side) that says “Recommended Credit Amount $150k” This is what is real and will be approved without question.  With other ignorant services, this 80 Paydex is the be-all, end-all. I need you to know it means nothing in reality.  We know, that is what we do and my company has done it more than all others combined.

The Recommended Credit Amount is the single most determining factor when it comes to DNB.

We’ll show you how to get a Recommended Credit Amount over five figures!

Ask another corporate credit company and all they will say is we get this “magic” Paydex of 80.

Do It Yourself or Hire a Professional?

By now you can see that business credit is a legitimate outlet to enhance or provide your company cash flow. Now you know the important difference between Paydex rating of 80 versus a Recommended Credit Amount. Now the only decision to make is whether to give it a try on your own or hire a professional.

Building Business Credit Yourself – You can piece together the truthful information strewn across the web, which is how we first did it.  We spent over a hundred hours and thousands of dollars buying e-book after e-book and using different services until we were able to pull out the golden nuggets and put them into our own do-it-yourself guide, which we practically give away for only $97.  It was just updated on 5/10/2010 so you can be sure the process and lenders are current so you will get what you pay for, guaranteed!  Check out our system and order online to start building business credit today!

Professional Business Credit Services – We’ve been in the industry long enough and dealt with enough clients to know who to trust and who not to trust.  We look for three things when screening potential companies to work with:

  • Immaculate BBB Rating
  • 100’s of Satisfied Clients
  • Iron-clad Guarantees
  • Full-Service (No Work on Your Part)

We’ve only found one that can hold up their end of the bargain andwe’ve yet to hear or see any negative feedback from clients referred their way.   If you have the money to invest in their services it will prove to be the best decision you’ve ever made.

Their Money Back Guarantee says that if at any time during the service you feel like you’re not on the path to getting up to $150k in unsecured credit lines you can request your money back, no questions asked.  You’d be mistaken not to at least Learn More about the Program see if the it can help your company get the money it needs.

We wish you all the best!